Aryan's Projects

India Railway Website

This project was a major project for me I used HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and MYSQL to make this website. At first I designed a basic structure for everything that is required from Indian Railway Website. Read More 👇

Emoji Dictionary Website

This project is an online Dictionary, in which we can search meaning of any emoji. It is a fun project made using React, HTML, CSS, JS. You can click on View Project to know more what's inside. Click Now.

My Portfolio Website

This project is an online representation of work I have created, as well as my skills and experiences. It contains everything skills known, some blogs written by me, all projects made by me and all my social media links also.

Minion Translator

Using this project you can convert any text in Minion(a fictional character) language. This project is a fun project I created while learning about using API. I really enjoyed making this project.

Ancient English Translator

This is similar to Minion Translator. Using this project you can convert any text into Ancient English Text.This project is a fun project I created while learning about using API. I really enjoyed making this project.

Profit and Loss

This is a profit and loss calculator you can calculate all your loss from Crypto meme coins such as Shiba and Doge here and cry on your life. It was a fun project to create. Created along with Neog Level 0 on YT